3 Principles You Need to Lead Agency Change | Applied Systems Blog Skip to content

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3 Principles You Need to Lead Agency Change

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By: Trevor Bunker


Winston Churchill famously said, 'To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.’ Change is critical when future-proofing your agency. When change is about to take place, everyone, from leaders to staff, must speak clearly and frequently about what’s happening, why it’s good, and how to deal with any hiccups. In addition, creating a friendly and open environment for change to thrive is also important.

Key Elements for Managing Change

Communication leaders must have open discussions with agency principals and department managers about effectively driving change and ensuring its successful implementation. According to a recent report from Axios HQ, 48% of C-level leaders have to get more involved in projects than they typically should, but only 14% of workers feel aligned with business goals.

These statistics show a clear disconnect between management and staff. It demonstrates a significant misalignment in how relevant internal communications are, how clear and engaging they are, and what topics are vital to teams, all leading to undefined change management fundamentals.

At Applied, we build our change management strategy around three core principles:

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    An essential part of change management is including everyone involved. For example, if you’re introducing new technology that ensures your agency operates on standardized, relevant data, everyone needs to see how this helps customers and makes their jobs easier. By talking to employees early and often and explaining what’s changing and why, you’ll gain their support and enthusiasm for the change.

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    It's vital to have a roadmap that shows how your changes will improve existing workflows and processes. With the support and expertise provided by your technology partner, you can create a step-by-step plan for where to start, how to implement changes, and how to keep up with new processes. Adjusting your processes as you figure out what worked and what didn’t ensure everything runs smoothly and successfully.

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    Technology investments should encompass all aspects of your business, from empowering staff to connecting with customers and carriers. It must integrate with your existing applications to deliver a consistent user experience and create a single view of your business.

Making Change Work for Everyone

Focusing on why change is needed, getting everyone involved, and offering support are fundamental to a good change management strategy. Positively reinforcing the benefits, like enhanced customer experience and employee satisfaction, will encourage everyone to embrace change. Listening to team feedback and including the team in decisions is also essential. It makes them feel valued and excited about what’s coming.

Watch our webinar, The Digital Growth Era of Insurance is Now, to learn how investing in your digital future can lead to a more profitable and valuable business.

  • Trevor Bunker

    Trevor Bunker

    Chief Customer Officer

    Trevor Bunker, Chief Customer Officer, leads Applied’s customer experience organization, including the strategic direction for the company’s services, support, and customer success programs. Trevor joined Applied in 2020 with more than 20 years of customer service leadership experience. In his last role, he served as CCO at RealPage, a vertical SaaS company serving the real estate market, where he oversaw a team of 1,000 responsible for all post-sales customer experience functions. Prior, Trevor spent 13 years at CA Technologies where he rose to be Senior Vice President of Product Success, Customer Adoption and Software Subscription Renewals.

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