Episode 42 | January 20, 2023

Changing the Bait: Switching Strategies for Success

In this episode of The Insurance Technology Podcast, Reid speaks to Trustedchoice.com CEO Chip Bacciocco about his fishing hobby as a kid, how he stumbled into insurance and found his passion, the influence of his mentors, the transformation of Trustedchoice.com, and more. Catch this episode to find out how Chip changed the bait and switched strategies for success – going from Wall Street dreams to becoming an insurance pro.

Episode Highlights

  • Celebrating a decade of helping the independent agent (5:28)
  • Fishing in famous trout streams as a kid (9:30)
  • Joking about his “insurance professional” ambitions (12:32)
  • Turning lemons into lemonade (26:56)

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About the Guest

Chip Bacciocco

Charles “Chip” Bacciocco is the CEO of TrustedChoice.com, the nation’s largest online marketing platform for independent insurance agents and IA insurance companies. Prior to joining TrustedChoice.com in 2012, Chip served in multiple roles over his 30-year career in the insurance industry, including as COO of Aon Private Risk Management Services, Inc., Senior Vice President of Product Strategy at Zywave and Vice President of E-Business Application Development at Arthur J Gallagher & Co. Chip is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and lives with his wife and children in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"Every insurtech pivots. I can't think of a single one that is still following exactly the same business plan they started with five years after they were founded."

Chip Bacciocco


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