Episode 70 | April 19, 2024

From Fast and Furious to a Mission for Safer Roads

In this episode of The Insurance Technology Podcast, Reid sits down with Ryan McMahon, Senior Vice President of Strategy & Corporate Development for Cambridge Mobile Telematics, to talk about how early aspirations to go into law enforcement eventually transitioned to a career in insurance telematics.

Catch a ride on Ryan’s journey, including an attempt at a fast and furious move that was pivotal in driving his passion for safer roads and reduced crash risk.

Episode Highlights

  • Reading actuarial review magazines as a kid (1:56)

  • From park ranger to EMT to volunteer rescue squad (3:35)

  • Entering the world of insurance (5:08)

  • A fast and furious attempt gone wrong (11:51)

  • Thinking outside of the box to make roads safer (34:54)

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“In the early days, when it came to an individual's driving behavior, the thought was that people don't change — so if you can look at them for a period of time, you got it. That's how they are. That is totally not the case.”

Ryan McMahon

Senior Vice President of Strategy & Corporate Development
Cambridge Mobile Telematics

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